sábado, 8 de febrero de 2020

Is the NSComex's enemy fading away?

When NSComex was born, noone was on Google Search. Before asking the Judge for permission to register the brand name, it was checked on the internet many times. Months later, some people started to bother NSComex, specially with profiles in portuguese language from Brazil.

But let's remember the fight against Mercadolibre: https://nscomex.blogspot.com/2020/01/nscomex-fighting.html

NSComex checked Google search again and it seems like Mercadolibre deleted the profile in question or the person who managed that profile changed the name. 

This is one positive thing that NSComex is not found on Google Search as a Mercadolibre profile anymore, even thou, the person who managed that profile appeared with the name Natalia M Sepulveda. It was 5 years this person used the brand NSComex illegaly. We don't know her photo, we don't know her but we suggest her to delete her profile and to create a new one by uploading her products again. NSComex comments on her products are still there and they won't be deleted by punishing her for her mistake. 

What's more, the owner of MercadoLibre, who had the main responsability to control these things for a fair market, is found on the internet accused of Tax Fraud of 500 millions in taxes debt for the government and for receiving information disclosure of classified information about treasury bill.
I don't know if that will compensate almost 5 years of "persecution" against NSComex by the internet. 

From NSComex